Accounting due
What makes us different from traditional accounting offices?
Due diligence of the financial function of a portfolio company:
analysis of the financial function in the future portfolio company with a set of observations and recommendations regarding, among others:
- circulation of documents
- financial ecosystem
- chart of accounts
- management reports
- financial processes
- thanks to this, the owner/management board can have an action plan for the future financial director/manager.
- this is a different type of service than financial due diligence.
Building a financial function in portfolio companies:
we can support the development of the financial function of a portfolio company in all areas of the financial department, that is
- HR and payroll
- bookkeeping/accounting,
- controlling,
- finance director
support can be provided for a defined period of time (so-called interim) or defined and partial (so-called part-time)
support may include:
- providing ongoing services
- building of the financial ecosystem
- introducing circulation of documents
- digitization of accounting information
- elimination of double work
- introducing changes to the chart of accounts and controlling dimensions
- etc
Building a portfolio company reporting tool in the fund:
- based on a direct connection to databases
- not depending on the information generated by the company itself
- significantly reducing the time spent by portfolio companies on reporting
- giving a live preview of each company.